Our Story

We want to share a bit about ourselves! Yakkem Apparel is an athletic clothing brand based in South Jersey, we promote Conservative values and morals alongside of fashionable Athletic Apparel. Our fan base grew when we launched our website on April 13, 2020.

People began wearing our clothing and were more than happy to represent a brand that stood for positivity and virtue in a world that seems to stand for everything BUT morality.


Owner Jacob McQ at a young age, realized there were no conservative athletic companies having the name recognition of an "Adidas" "Gymshark" or "Nike" he desired to create an athletic brand that was in line with modern Style and Fashion trends, but stood for something bigger than athleticism and "success"


We believe that this company can be the next big brand for people who want to rock a clothing line that stands for American Values and integrity.


Once you look deeper into our company, you may notice that we are aiming to model our business after other successful Christian conservative companies, such as Chick-fil-a. On the surface, we may look like any other business, but if you dive deeper, you get a taste of a "homegrown" brand with a distinct message that is refreshing in todays world.


The snowball really began rolling in early 2022 when celebrities like (Candace Owens) (Brett Cooper) and countless others, began wearing our active-wear on a daily basis


From now on, our target is to become 100% Made in the U.S.A although this seems to be a very challenging task for a young start up. However we have made big strides coming out with multiple items that have been made here in the states.


We believe God is behind our vision and ask if you are willing please pray for our company that God will use it for good in this moral-less world.